

07.27.2023 Work begins on new website for the band to communicate with their audience on Earth.
03.XX.2022 Album stalls, progress is only made occasionally.
10.XX.2021 Social media accounts for the band have been created.
06.XX.2021 Full layout for album completed, with concepts for each song.
05.XX.2021 Barry graduates from both university and the band to focus on work.
04.XX.2021 Ocassional planning begins again, with the focus on planning on the album.
03.XX.2020 The band goes on hiatus to focus on university.
02.XX.2020 Planning begins for debut album, with a completed intro piece influenced by the other artists they performed with.
01.XX.2020 Planning begins for performance piece "Test Track", a live EP with TRON-style visuals and a heavy techno and trance influence.
12.14.2019 A fixed-media version of "Not the Same" is created, based on the early version of the song performed earlier in the month.
12.XX.2019 First live performance! DSL played an early version of our single "Not the Same" at a local arts center, using a custom Max MSP patch for the live framework.
11.XX.2019 Sonny, Rezo, and Barry join together to form a band out of their Max MSP class.